Adding speed dials to my Cisco Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone
How to add speed dial numbers to PUBLIC AREA VoIP phones that have an outgoing call code
Hot button needed on phone
- Login to using your USD username and password
- Select Phone Settings > Speed Dial Numbers
- Select Add New Speed Dial
- Fill out the phone number, description, and speed dial number
Note: If setting a speed dial to another voip number, just enter the seven digits (example: 6586000)
If you are setting a non-voip number as your speed-dial, be sure to add a 9 in front of the number (96705555) or for long-distance 9-1 and the area code(916052225555)
5. Click Save
For Public Area phones or VoIP phones not assigned to an individual contact the Service Desk with the following information:
- The extensions for the shared phones the speed-dial will be configured on
- The phone number and a label for each speed-dial number
- The order you want the speed dial buttons listed if you have a preference
Please contact the Service Desk if you need further assistance