Smart Classroom Training


Technicians are available to provide one-on-one training with faculty to help prepare them for teaching in classrooms.  If you'd like someone to meet with you, click the Request Training button on this page.


Most classrooms follow a standard set of equipment and operation, so getting trained in one classroom will benefit you teaching in most other classrooms.  Some classrooms have different equipment from the standard, such as including a Smart Board, lecture recording, multiple microphones, multiple displays, video conferencing, web conferencing or a completely different classroom design such as an Active Learning Classroom.

Technology is in a constant state of change.  As much as we strive to maintain standards, technology will continue to change, and we're here to help prepare you to use that new technology.

Understanding how to operate the technology in these rooms will save you time and frustration during class.

Target Completion Date

Requests will be completed within 10 business days

Available To

USD Faculty and Staff


There is no cost for this service



Request Training

Related Articles (2)

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Service Offering Id: 33
Thu 7/27/23 10:25 AM
Tue 8/29/23 1:40 PM