What is Blackboard Ally for D2L?
- Desire2Learn
- Blackboard Ally
- Digital Accessibility
Blackboard Ally for D2L will launch Jan. 4, 2021 and will be on by default in D2L
- All course shells in D2L will have Ally available
- Features visible to faculty and students in D2L for making course content more accessible and more inclusive
- Provides students more choices for how to access content
What is Ally for D2L?
- Automatically check for common accessibility issues in course documents
- Provide course reporting on the accessibility level of uploaded course content
Faculty Ally Resources
- Helps build a more inclusive learning environment
- Improves the student experience by
- Helping them gain more personal control over course content with usability, accessibility and quality in mind
- Downloadable alternative formats for course content that provide students with the choice and added flexibility for what best fits their needs