What is USD's Annual Leave Policy?
How can I use Annual Leave?
- As a full-time employee,
- Will accumulate annual leave credits of 10 hours per monthly pay period
- May accumulate a maximum of 240 hours
- When you have completed 15 years of service
- You receive 13.3334 hours of leave per monthly pay period
- May accumulate a maximum of 320 hours
- If you work less than 40 hours in a week or take leave without pay, the number of annual leave credits earned is reduced in proportion to the number of hours worked
- With prior approval, annual leave may be granted for vacation leave or to supplement other leaves of absence
- Annual leave is available to use as soon as it is accrued. You cannot use more annual leave than you have accrued
- When you are terminating employment and are on annual leave, you cannot use other types of leave
- If employment is terminated during your first six months (probationary period), you will not be paid for your accrued annual leave
- Upon retirement or resignation, state employees with over six months of continuous service will be paid for accrued vacation leave
- Except for extraordinary circumstances, absences not covered by appropriate leave may be cause for disciplinary action
- Employees are encouraged to build and maintain adequate leave balances to cover emergencies or other unexpected absences
- Failure to follow established processes for requesting and/or reporting leave may be cause for disciplinary action
- Accrued compensatory time will be used before other forms of leave (sick or annual)
- The exception is employees at their maximum annual leave accrual; these employees may use annual leave before compensatory time
- Requests for leave other than sick leave, or emergency use of annual leave, must be approved by your immediate supervisor prior to your departure time
- Except for emergency situations, the amount of time you are absent from your job without prior authorization or notification will be considered absence without leave
- You may not be paid for that time
- Unauthorized or unreported absences may be cause for disciplinary action
Employees Working Less than 12 months:
- Nine-month faculty do not accrue annual leave
- Ten and eleven-month faculty accrue annual leave only if they are required to work during normal school holidays
- All other types of employees, except student and temporary employees, accrue annual and sick leave at the same monthly rate and to the same maximum as twelve-month employees with the exception that leave is accrued only during the months when the employee is in a pay status