ID Weeks Evacuation and Severe Weather Plan


  • What is my building's evacuation plan?
  • What is the severe weather plan for I.D.Weeks?


Evacuation Plan

In the event that I.D. Weeks Building must be evacuated, for fire alarm or mechanical failure the following procedures shall be followed.

  1. Upon activation of the fire alarm system, all persons must immediately exit the building through the nearest available route. 
    1. The elevator should NOT be used during an evacuation event unless necessary for the evacuation of a disabled/handicapped person.
    2. Prior to leaving the room, any energized equipment that cannot be left unattended for prolonged periods should be turned off prior to exiting the room. 
    3. Close doors to offices and work areas to aid in isolating the spread of fire and smoke.
    5. Once emergency personnel arrive on the scene, DO NOT RE-ENTER the library building until they have given permission to do so, even if the alarm has stopped.
  2. Each department is responsible for clearing its own area.  Designated persons will survey the floors, knock on all doors, and when possible inform all occupants to leave immediately.
    1. The following staff positions have been designated to sweep the floors and knock on all doors alerting occupants of the evacuation/ fire unless immediate danger is present.
      • First floor (West) – Access Service Manager, Technical Services Manager
      • First floor (East) – Director of Academic Commons, Director of the Gallagher Center, Gallagher Center Program Assistant
      • Second floor – Senior Accountant, Associate Dean
      • Third floor – SDOHC Curator
  3. All personnel within the I.D. Weeks Building will convene on the lawn to the west of the Delzell Education CenterIn conditions where shelter is needed, proceed to the MUC for comfort and safety.
  4. Each employee must check-in with the unit head or designated emergency second.
  5. Unit head and/or designated emergency second report unit’s attendance to the Library’s Point of Contact (POC):
    1. Dan Daily, Dean of Libraries,
    2. David Alexander, Associate Dean, or to
    3. Michael Boring, Access Service Manager.
  6. Wait with your unit until the Point of Contact (POC) receives the all clear to re-enter the building from Public Safety.

Severe Weather Plan

  1. In the event of severe weather alerts such as a tornado, persons within the I.D. Weeks Building should immediately proceed to interior, windowless stairwells or rooms on the first or second floors.  
    Note: The main, central stairway is not an interior stairwell, and is not a safe place during a storm. 

    Designated persons will walk the floor, knock on all doors and inform all occupants to leave immediately and seek shelter in the nearest interior stairwell, staff lounge or restrooms on the first or second floors.

    1. The following persons have been designated for each floor to knock on all doors alerting occupants of the weather alert.
      1. First floor (West) – Access Service Manager and Technical Services Manager
      2. First floor (East) – Director of Academic Commons, Director of the Gallagher Center, Gallagher Center Program Assistant
      3. Second floor – Senior Accountant and Associate Dean
      4. Third floor – SDOHC Curator
  2. If a tornado watch is issued for Clay County, circulation staff/students will distribute building maps and instructions to patrons throughout the I.D. Weeks building.
  3. The map and instructions are designed to let patrons know that a watch has been issued, and should the situation be escalated to a warning, the library bell will sound and they are to move to the nearest interior, emergency stairs.
  4. If time does not permit evacuation to a safe area, patrons are instructed to get under heavy tables or desks toward the interior of the building, away from windows.
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Article ID: 8566
Wed 8/9/23 4:22 PM
Wed 8/16/23 3:07 PM
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In the event that buildings must be evacuated or severe weather occurs, these procedures shall be followed.