Paying Bill SDePay


How to pay my bill?

I wanted to get into my SDePay 

My payment is not shown

How do I make a payment for my tuition?

I have been charged for damages. Please remove it so I can pay my fees for my class

How do I check out using Voc Rehab


  • SDePay
  • Self-Service Banner (SSB)


Note: If the menu options do not appear on the lefthand side or you are being automatically logged out of the system, follow Clearing Cache & Cookies and Force Resetting in Internet Browsers before proceeding 

Instructions for Students

  1. Log into SSB  or
  2. Click View and Pay Accounts Current Balance reflects the amount owed
  3. Click Statement Details to view your latest billing statement
  4. Click Statement History to view past billing statements
  5. Click Sign up for a Payment Plan to set up a payment plan
  6. Click Authorize Payers if you would like someone else to have access to view and pay your bill
    • USD will not provide your information to outside parties
    • You decide who gets to see your information
  7. Click Make a Payment if you wish to pay online.
  8. Select payment option: Credit card, Echeck, or International Payment
    Note: If international payment is selected you will be directed to FLYWIRE website to facilitate the international payment and exchange rates.​​​​​​
  9. More information can be found at SDePay

Instructions for Parents & Authorized Payers

  1. Go to SDePay Login For Authorized Payers.
    Note: Students must set up an authorized payer before a parent or authorized payer is able to view and pay a bill. View instructions above on setting up authorized payers.)
  2. Login with the Username and Password
    Note: This is setup by the student in step 6 above
  3. Click View and Pay Accounts current Balance reflects the amount owed
  4. Click Statement Details to view your latest billing statement
  5. Click Statement History to view past billing statements
  6. Click Sign up for a Payment Plan  to set up a payment plan
  7. Click Make a Payment if you wish to pay online.
  8. Select payment option: Credit card, Echeck, or International Payment
    Note: If international payment is selected you will be directed to FLYWIRE website to facilitate the international payment and exchange rates.​​​​​​
  9. More information can be found at SDePay

Note: Payments can also be made in person at the Business Office (US check, cash, credit or debit card).

Please contact The Business Office if you need further assistance

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