High Performance Computing


USD operates the "Lawrence" supercomputer system, also known as a High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster, supercomputing cluster, or simply cluster. 

The Lawrence Supercomputer was acquired through a combination of state and federal funding: a FY16 SD Board of Regents Research And Development Innovation award, and National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation award OAC-1626516. Lawrence is named after Nobel Laureate and USD Alumnus E. O. Lawrence.

Lawrence runs the Rocky Linux operating system and is made up of over 2,300 CPU cores, including systems with 1.5TB of memory, GPU accelerators, and over 400TB of shared high-speed data storage accessible via a 56Gb FDR Infiniband network.

Please feel free to browse through our documentation website:  https://usdrcg.gitbook.io/docs/

To gain access to the system, please click the Request Access button on this page.


Supercomputers solve computational problems that are too large or too time-consuming to perform on traditional desktop computers.  USD's supercomputer systems are designed to provide functionality similar to national supercomputing systems.

Available To

Available to all faculty and students with a faculty sponsor. 


There is no cost to use this service. USD’s HPC system is funded by a combination of state and federal grants.


The use of High Performance Computing systems are governed by the University of South Dakota's 5.003 Information Security Responsibilities policy. 

Publications resulting from use of this resource should acknowledge: "Computations supporting this project were performed on High Performance Computing systems at the University of South Dakota, funded by NSF Award OAC-1626516."

Research Computing staff assisting in the project in any way should be acknowledged. For example: "USD Research Computing staff John Doe provided valuable technical expertise to this project."