CTL Consultation Request


Teaching consultation provides an opportunity for anyone who is teaching for USD to sign up for confidential analysis and evaluation of their teaching or for other, more in-depth, pedagogical support for instruction. 

Please click the CTL Consultation Request button on this page to request a teaching consultation


Instructional Consultation

Instructional consultation begins with an informal conversation to identify concerns before developing a plan for using  a series of evaluations specific to the instructors goals.  These include but are not limited to the following:  

  • Analysis of Recorded Classes:
    • To provide feedback to the instructor based on a class or series of classes
    • The instructor may request feedback be sent directly to them, or may schedule an evaluative review of the recording with the CTL staff
    • The CTL can also assist in recording the classes if the instructor would prefer
  • Classroom Materials Analysis:
    • To allow anyone teaching for USD to have syllabi, tests, homework assignments, grading rubrics, etc., evaluated by the CTL staff
    • Feedback can be provided directly (e.g. in a meeting) or indirectly (e.g. in an email)
  • Classroom Observation:
    • To allow a person teaching for USD to have a trained member of the CTL staff personally visit one or more of the instructor's classes, and evaluate the teaching session
    • Feedback can be provided directly (e.g. in a meeting) or indirectly (e.g. in an email)
  • Student Feedback:
    • To assist faculty in understanding the student evaluations currently in use by USD
    • Preferably, this would also involve interviews with student groups or a survey of students in current classes
    • Feedback can be provided directly (e.g. in a meeting) or indirectly (e.g. in an email); however, a meeting provides better opportunities for discussion

Other Types of CTL Consultations

The Center for Teaching and Learning also has other types of consultations available.  The process and timing for these is individualized and based on coordination between instructors and CTL staff.  These include but are not limited to the following.

  • Virtual Reality (VR) Consultation:
    • Instructors interested in using VR software in their courses can request an appointment with CTL staff to test VR equipment and software and determine how this may fit into their courses
    • Instructors can reserve the CTL classroom *UCE 116) for class sessions that integrate VR
  • Accessibility Consultation:
    • Instructors interested in better understanding how to improve accessibility in their courses can request a consultation
    • The process for this would be similar to an instructional consultation but focused on accessibility
  • Virtual Conferencing:
    • Instructors who are organizing virtual or hybrid conferences (including panels and other conference events) may request a consultation with CTL staff during the planning process and implementation
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) Consultation:
    • Instructors interested in using pedagogical improvements as a starting place for research publication may contact the CTL for a SOTL consultation to discuss ideas and starting SOTL work
Target Completion Date

Timing will depend on coordination between CTL Staff and the Instructor

Available To

USD Faculty or Staff of any rank

CTL Consultation Request

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