Student Emergency Grant Application


The University of South Dakota (USD), in partnership with the University of South Dakota Foundation, may provide limited financial assistance to enrolled students who are unable to meet qualifying expenses arising from certain emergency situations. This assistance, intended primarily to benefit students whose enrollment may be threatened in the absence of aid, is administered through an Emergency Grant Program governed by certain terms and conditions and the availability of funds.

Emergency GrantsEmergency Grants, which do not require repayment, may be awarded to student applicants with unmet, essential expenses related to emergency situations, including fires, natural disasters, criminal victimhood, sudden economic downturns, acute medical events, family deaths, and other unforeseen catastrophes.

Emergency Grants are intended as a resource of last resort that may not be used to reimburse students for expenses already paid or to replace available financial aid or assistance. Grants are generally limited to $500 per academic year, and applicants should be advised that, in some cases, awards may impact financial aid eligibility or create tax liability.

Application Process

Students interested in an Emergency Grant Click Emergency Grant Application button 

  • To be eligible, an applicant must be a full-time student in good academic and financial standing with USD
  • Applications will be considered by a committee established by Student Services that includes representation from the USD Office of Financial Aid and any other university offices deemed necessary, on a standing or ad hoc basis, to promote sound understanding of applicant circumstances and award implications
  • Committee determinations are final and without opportunity for appeal.
Qualifying Expenses (Non-Exhaustive)

Subject to the additional criteria and exclusions provided, Emergency Grants may be dispersed where it is established that an applicant lacks adequate support or resources reasonably necessary to remain a student in good standing. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Housing assistance
  • Medical, mental health, or dental costs
  • Travel expenses to receive medical care or tend to sick or deceased family members
  • Academically necessary textbooks, technology, or service costs
  • Childcare
  • Food
  • Toiletries, clothing, and other basic needs
Disqualified Expenses (Non-Exhaustive)

Expenses for which Emergency Grants will not be dispersed are those considered non-essential to maintaining status as a student in good standing or that result from foreseeable circumstances typically addressed through financial aid packages or personal financial budgeting. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Tuition and fees
  • Health insurance premiums
  • Study-abroad costs
  • Non-essential utilities (e.g., cable)
  • Credit cards, personal loans, and other debts
  • Penalties, fines, and parking tickets
  • Entertainment costs
Available To



There is no cost for this service.


Click the attached  Emergency Fund Grant Program Policy for additional program details 

Emergency Grant Application


Service ID: 140
Fri 8/7/20 1:40 PM
Thu 11/5/20 7:48 AM