When is my USD account created?
How does this work for dual credit students?
If a student has a home institution of NSU and then takes a USD course, does that student get a USD email address?
Anyone taking a USD course would get a USD account.
- USD account is created for students after they are accepted to the University
- Student Workers
All Others:
- See Account Lifecycles and Priorities
- Manual requests for employee accounts are no longer be necessary. With RapidIdentity Cloud in place, user accounts will be provisioned automatically based on data entered in Banner after a new employee is hired Note: Permissions Requests will still need to be submitted
- Faculty
- Staff
- Temp
- Adjunct
- Foundation Affiliate
- Brand new temporary employees, including adjuncts, accounts will be generated once an EPAF (Electronic Personnel Action Form) is approved and applied into Banner
- It's crucial for EPAFs to be entered as soon as possible for brand new temporary employees to ensure timely account creation
- For new benefit eligible employees, the account will be created once the HR partner creates PEAEMPL and PPAIDEN records from the completed paperwork
- If you are requesting an account for one of the following account types, please click the Request Sponsored Account button on this page
- Account Type
- Lawrence Researcher
- Cayuse Researcher
- South Dakota School for the Deaf
- Affiliate
- Clinical Faculty
- Geological Surveys
- National Music Muesum
- PA Clinical Faculty
- Sodexo
- South Dakota Pubmic Broadcast
- USD Foundation
- Volunteer
- Other
- Vendor
- Guest
- ListServ Contact
- Shared Mailbox
- EXProxy External User
- Library Walk-In
See also Account Lifecycles and Priorities