Opt-In for Alumni email


How to Opt-In for Alumni email account after graduating or leaving USD



How can I keep my USD email 

Why does my @coyotes.usd.edu email address no longer have access to Office 365


  • Alumni email address


Note: You must have graduated from USD within the last semester to be eligible for the Alumni email, if you have not graduated, you will not be able to access this service

  1. Log into the Opt-In Form with your USD Email address and password or click the Opt-In button on this page
    Note: You must have graduated from USD within the last semester to be eligible for the Alumni email, Permission Denied will be displayed if you are not or no longer eligible
  2. Your Student account will be unchanged for two semesters following your graduation
  3. After the two semesters, your email account will designated as an alumni email account
    1. Your Office 365 License, including OneDrive is removed
    2. You will only have access to Email
    3. You will retain your @coyotes.usd.edu as your alumni email address
      • @alumni.usd.edu email address are not currently available
      • You will be notified at a future date when an @alumni.usd.edu address is assigned
  4. To subscribe to Alumni email lists, please contact the USD Foundation
  5. If you cannot access the Opt-in Form, please contact the Service Desk with the following information
    1. Username used to login
    2. Error message received


  1. Will all of my data still be included in the new email address?
    1. All email data remains intact after graduation
  2. Will I keep access to Office products?
    1. When transitioned to an Alumni email address you will no longer have access to Office 365, this includes OneDrive so make sure you copy or move any documents you need
  3. Will I keep access to Google Workspaces
    1. When transitioned to an Alumni email address you will no longer have access to Google Workspaces, make sure you copy or move any documents you need



  1. Verifying Student Opted-In for Alumni email
  2.  Working Alumni Email Opt-In Requests
  3. Opt-In for Alumni email - Permission Denied



Article ID: 2910
Wed 5/1/19 10:17 AM
Tue 2/25/25 10:12 AM
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