Excluding Expenses from Indirect Costs on Sponsored Project Awards


Which expenses should be excluded from indirect costs on sponsored project awards?


  • Sponsored Project Awards
  • Expenses 
  • Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC


  1. For federal awards, the negotiated federal IDC rate, called Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC), excludes the following expense categories:
    • Equipment
    • Capital expenditures
    • Patient care
    • Tuition remission
    • Rental of off-site facilities
    • Scholarships and fellowships
    • Subcontracts in excess of $25k each
    • Participant Support Costs
  2. Other Awards
    • For all other awards, the IDC rate and exclusions vary
      •  After receiving the award, Sponsored Projects Finance (SPF) reads the award document and sets up the IDC rate and exclusions in the accounting system
      • Always refer to your award documents for specific exclusions

Note: Award agreements dictate which expenses are exempt from indirect cost (IDC) charges.

Please contact  orsp@usd.edu if you need further assistance