Viewing Classes needed to Graduate


How do I see which classes I need to graduate?


  • Degree Works
  • Four-Year Program Guides
  • Undergraduate Application for Degree & Degree Audit


  1. Degree Works allows you to view your current academic program(s) and organizes the courses you have completed/registered into graduation categories
  2. 4-year plans - the plans are laid out by each academic department to give students an understanding of how they might complete all of their academic requirements in four years (8 semester terms)
  3. Graduation Audit - after students complete 75 undergraduate credits, they are expected to complete a request for an audit through the Registrar’s Office
    1. The Registrar’s Office will complete an official accounting of the academic requirements completed the student has completed and what he/she still needs to complete in order to graduate
    2. The official audit will be sent to the student’s USD email account