What are the two options for sharing on Camtasia?
- Preview Window: Within the preview window, 2 primary options may be selected
- Save and Edit: This is used to save the recording in a Camtasia - TechSmith Recording File. This is only used if you plan to make edits to your recording. For more information on Editing, please see the next section in this tutorial or see further information specifically on editing here:
- Publish: This is used to create a video file from your recording that you will share with others.
- After selecting this option, the Production Wizard window will open where you will be able to select the method you would like to share the video through.
- The first 3 options will automatically place the recording on your, Google Drive, or YouTube account after providing the account login details.
- If you would rather have a file created from the recording that you can then place on D2L for students to view, etc., it is recommended to select the MP4 only (up to 720p) video format. After the MP4 only (up to 720p) video format is selected, press next.
- The next screen will ask for a destination on your computer for the recording to be saved to.
- Click Finish and the video rendering process will begin. Once completed, you will be able to view your recording and share it with others.
For more information on Camtasia, please view the full CTL tutorial here.
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