Peer-to-Peer (P2P) File-sharing Software


Many P2P file sharing software applications are set to share files without your knowledge. This can lead to slowness issues, as well as put you at risk for Copyright Infringements.



What should I know about Peer-to-Peer (P2P) File-sharing Software?

How can I remove P2P File-sharing Software?


  • Peer-to-Peer (P2P) File-sharing Software


Many P2P file sharing software applications are set to share files without your knowledge. This can lead to slowness issues, as well as put you at risk for Copyright Infringements


Note: Ultimate responsibility for your network usage falls on you

  1. P2P file sharing software applications often install Spyware and/or viruses onto your PC when you sign up for their service
  2. Another reason to be cautious of P2P is that the files you may be swapping and sharing (photos, music, videos or games) often contain Spyware and/or viruses
  3. Whether or not you have legally downloaded data, you are still responsible for activities of your computer on the USD network
  4. Educause provides a list of Legal Sources of Online Content as an alternative to unauthorized downloading
  5. You can either remove the software or disable the file sharing portion of the software.
    Note: Many P2P programs can NOT be disabled and must be removed.

Examples of P2P software

  • uTorrent
  • BitTorrent
  • BearShar
  • Limeware
    Note: To disable P2P file sharing software applications please check the vendors website

Windows computers

  1. Use the Programs window in the Control Panel to remove or uninstall these programs 
  2. Some peer-to-peer file-sharing programs have companion programs that are not automatically removed
    1. If you have more than one program to remove, click No if prompted to reboot your computer.
    2. Repeat these steps until you have removed all file sharing programs
    3. Make sure you reboot the system when you are finished

Mac iOS

  1. Double-click on the hard drive
  2. Click Applications 
  3. Click the name of the software
  4. Drag to the trash can​​​​

For more information, please see the Web site of the U.S. Copyright Office, especially their FAQ's



Article ID: 6681
Thu 9/16/21 3:06 PM
Thu 9/16/21 3:10 PM
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