How do I opt out of First Day Access materials (FDAs)?
I opted out of the FDA program; can I opt back in?
- USD Online Bookstore
- Akademos
- VitalSource
- Course Dashboard
First Day Access (FDA) is a course material delivery model where faculty adopt an eBook or Courseware, and the digital content is sent automatically to the student on or before the first day of class. The cost of the material is applied directly to students' regular university bills as a separate line item charge, along with tuition and fees. The materials are shown in the bookstore but the student is not billed through the bookstore. If the student already has a copy, they can elect to opt-out of using the online FDA course material by the deadline.
Before opting out of FDA course material, it is recommended that you talk with your instructor to ensure that you will meet the course material requirements and you have what you need to complete the class.
- To access First Day Access (FDA) course material, go to your MyUSD portal
- Sign in with your USD credentials
- Select the D2L icon
- Select any Course
- In the red banner at the top of the page, select Resources, select USD Bookstore & Course Dashboard
- You are now in the VitalSource Course Dashboard
- If your course uses First Day Access (FDA), it will be marked as Inclusive Access
- The text name, edition, FDA pricing (does not include sales tax), opt out deadline date and the date when the material will be available to access are listed
- Click Want to Opt out, select the reason for the opt out and click Opt Out by the listed deadline.
Note: if you accidentally click Opt out, it is possible to click Opt in by the listed deadline following the same steps as opting out