Determine the purpose of your PowerPoint


How do I determine the purpose of my PowerPoint presentation? 


Your situation will establish what type of presentation you need to give.  The most common types of presentation are: 

  1. Informative presentations give your audience knowledge, background information, and specific details about a topic or issue,   Examples include:
    1. Professional or academic conferences
    2. Updates on a project’s status
    3. Speeches at a lunch or dinner meeting
  2. Persuasive presentations, by their very nature, suggest influencing your audience to feel or behave a certain way, Examples include:
    1. Sales presentations
    2. Motivational presentations
  3. Demonstration and Training presentations are used to help your audience understand a process or procedure, show your audience how something works, or provide practice and feedback,   Examples include:
    1. Software demonstrations
    2. Products/Services overviews
    3. Employee orientation

For more information on PowerPoint, please view the full tutorial here
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Article ID: 8422
Tue 5/16/23 3:11 PM
Thu 10/26/23 4:02 PM
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