Installing Fine Arts 175 Printers on Personal Computers



How to install the Fine Arts 175 lab printers on a personal computer


  • Fine Arts 175
  • Graphics Lab


Students may wish to install and use the printers in 175 from their personal devices 


Windows PC

  1. Download and install the appropriate Pharos printer installer (USD login required) for the desired printer
  2. Open and run the file to install


  1. Download Installer
  2. Open the .dmg file and double click popup.pkg
  3. Click Continue
  4. Click Continue
  5. Click Install
  6. Click Finish
  7. Open System Settings
  8. Select Printers & Scanners
  9. Click Add Printer, Scanner, or Fax...
  10. Right-click below the Add Printer Text at the top of the window, next to the options Default, IP and Windows
  11. Select Customize Toolbar
  12. Click and Drag "Advanced" from the newly opened window, back to where you right clicked on step 10
  13. Select Done
  14. Click on Advanced
  15. Set the following settings:
    1. Type: Pharos Print Server
    2. Device: Another Device
    3. URL: 
      • popup://   
      • popup://
      • popup://
    4. Name: Use a name that you will recognize,
      Note: recommend FA175_Epson, FA175_Plotter or FA175_M750 depending on the printer being installed
    5. Location: Can be left blank
    6. Use: Click on Select Software on the drop down menu
    7. Locate and select the appropriate driver for that printer
    8. Select Add



Article ID: 9421
Fri 12/6/24 2:39 PM
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