Distance Education Programs Leading to Licensure Program Guidelines


Distance Education Programs Leading to Licensure Program Guidelines



Compliance with the USD Distance Education Programs Leading to Licensure Policy which incorporates federal regulations governing Distance Education Programs Leading to Licensure


  1. Purpose
    • The following guidelines direct compliance with the USD Distance Education Programs Leading to Licensure Policy which incorporates federal regulations governing Distance Education Programs Leading to Licensure (“DEPL”).
  2. Guidelines
    1. Applicability of Guidelines
      1. By June 1 of each year, each Program Leading to Licensure must update the DEPL Annual Survey provided by the Office of Continuing and Distance Education (CDE) to determine whether the Program meets the definition of a Distance Education Program Leading to Licensure defined as:
        • An educational program designed to meet educational requirements for a specific professional license that is required for employment in an occupation or is advertised as meeting such requirements for which a Current Student may enroll in at least one course through Distance Education during the first term of enrollment in the program.  The term license may include certification, certificate, endorsement, or credential that is issued by a state or territorial government. 
        • Distance education is the use of technological means to deliver instruction to students who are separated from the instructor or instructors and to support regular and substantive interaction between the students and the instructor or instructors, either synchronously or asynchronously. HyFlex and HyFlex Synchronous Courses are considered Distance Education. Hybrid F2F and Hybrid Online are not considered Distance Education.
          If a Program meets the definition of a DEPL, it shall comply with the Guidelines set forth herein
      2. Annual Licensure Determination Guidelines
        A Licensure Determination is defined as: A determination made in the preceding 12 months whether a program leading to licensure “meets” or “does not meet” the educational requirements for licensure in the recognized occupation or field for which the program is represented to prepare students in a particular state.
        DEPLs must take the following steps annually related to Licensure Determinations:
        1. By June 1 of each year, the DEPL must make Licensure Determinations for each state where a Current Student is located which is defined as the Current Student’s declared Location at the Time of Initial Enrollment or the state where the student has informed the Program that he or she is located. Students enrolled before July 1, 2024, may use their current Local Address may be used. 
        2. The DEPL shall report the Licensure Determinations to CDE by updating the Licensure Determination Google Sheet provided by CDE.
        3. If a DEPL makes a Licensure Determination outside of its annual review or as a part of its admissions process, the DEPL shall promptly update the Licensure Determination Google Sheet and notify CDE at disclosures@usd.edu of the new Licensure Determination.
      3. Admissions Guidelines
        DEPLs shall only admit students whose Location at the Time of Initial Enrollment is a state where the DEPL curriculum meets the educational requirements for professional licensure or the prospective student attests in writing that he or she intends to seek licensure in a state where the DEPL curriculum meets educational requirements for professional licensure. Location at the Time of Initial Enrollment is defined as:
        • The state that a Prospective Student declares on or as a part of their Program Application where they intend to live on the first day of the first term of the Program Leading to Licensure.

        • Programs must follow the procedure below to ensure compliance with this regulation:
          1. DEPLs shall require a prospective student to declare the state where the prospective student intends to live on the first day of the first term of the Program, which will be deemed the Student’s Location at the Time of Initial Enrollment.
            • Graduate DEPLs will request this information within their program application which will feed information into Banner.
            • Undergraduate DEPLs will obtain this information by requiring prospective students to fill out the Student Location Form, which will feed the location information into Banner.
          2. If a Prospective Student’s Location at the Time of Initial Enrollment is a state where the Program either (1) does not meet the educational requirements for licensure; or (2) the institution has not yet determined whether it meets the educational requirements leading to licensure, the Prospective Student will receive a direct notification via Banner Communications as required by 34 CFR § 668.43(c)(1).
          3. When a Prospective Student receives a direct notification via Banner Communications, an individual ticket will be generated in the State Licensure Student Location ticketing system within Team Dynamics (TD), and the Program will be notified that further action is required before reviewing the Prospective Student’s Application.
          4. The DEPL must ensure the Prospective Student is eligible for enrollment in the DEPL by engaging in one of the following actions:
            1. If the Prospective Student has received a notification that the institution has not yet determined whether the DEPL meets the educational requirements for licensure where the Prospective Student is Located at the Time of Initial Enrollment, the DEPL may either:
              • Inform the Prospective Student that the program will make a Licensure Determination for the Prospective Student’s Location at the Time of Initial enrollment [TD Communication Template 1]
                • If the DEPL determines that it meets the educational requirements for licensure, the DEPL shall inform the prospective student that they are eligible for admission into the program [TD Communication Template 2], close the TD ticket, and proceed with reviewing the Prospective Student’s Application; or​​​​​​​
                • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​If the DEPL does not meet the educational requirements for licensure, the DEPL shall notify the prospective student [TD Communication Template 3] and proceed to Action B below​​​​​​​.
                • Not make a Licensure Determination for the Prospective Student’s Location at the Time of Initial Enrollment, inform the prospective student that they are ineligible for admission into the program [TD Communication Template 4], close the TD Ticket, and cancel the Prospective Student’s application.
            2. If the Prospective Student has received a notification that the Program does not meet the educational requirements for licensure where the Prospective Student is Located at the Time of Initial Enrollment, the DEPL may:
              1. Using Team Dynamics communication [TD Communication Template 3] advise the prospective student of the possibility of becoming eligible for admission by attesting in writing that he or she intends to seek licensure in a state where the Program does meet educational requirements for licensure;
              2. If the Prospective Student knowingly and voluntarily attests that they intend to seek licensure in a state where the DEPL meets educational requirements for licensure by submitting the approved Student Location Attestation Form [link], the DEPL may close the TD Ticket and proceed to review the Prospective Student’s Application; or
              3. If the Prospective Student does not attest that they intend to seek licensure in a state where the DEPL meets the educational requirements for licensure within 15 days, they may not be admitted into the DEPL and the DEPL shall cancel the Prospective Student’s Application and close the TD Ticket.
          5. Graduate DEPLs shall confirm that all Prospective Students admitted are located in eligible states or have submitted the appropriate attestation by checking the appropriate box on the student’s Graduate School Action Form.
          6. Undergraduate DEPLs shall confirm that all Prospective Students admitted are located in eligible states or have submitted the appropriate attestation by submitting the Undergraduate DEPL Student Location Certification form to the Office of the Registrar with the list of admitted students.

​​Note: The TDX Communication Templates are intended as guides to communications with prospective students. They may be modified as the Program deems appropriate. Programs are encouraged to have a written dialogue with Prospective Students through TDX and answer any questions the Prospective Student may have.



Article ID: 9167
Mon 6/24/24 11:09 AM
Wed 7/17/24 2:28 PM
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