Can I use ChatGPT with my USD account?
- ChatGPT
- Microsoft Co-Pilot
- ChatGPT individual licences (team licenses are not approved) can be bought through the purchasing system
- Must use your USD email address to create the ChatGPT account. This will allow migration to an enterprise license in the future.
- License holder must have completed Annual Cybersecurity Training and signed off the Information Security and Data Responsiblity Policy which is part of the training
- ChatGPT is not approved for direct connection to storage systems like Onedrive, Sharepoint, Teams, or Google Workspaces
Note: This is blocked by technical policy. If this is something you would like to do, you may utilize USD's paid version of Microsoft Copilot which connects to our Microsoft eco-system (Onedrive, Sharepoint, Teams and Outlook).
- If the risk profile of this service changes, there are policy changes, or there is a breach or security incident, access to the service may need to be removed or blocked
- If USD implements an enterprise or education version of the product for campus, your individual account will be merged into that tenant, and costs could change