How do I add Law School information to my calendar in Outlook
My Outlook keeps asking me to sign in for my D2L calendar but it doesn't work
Error: Not authorized You are not authorized to view the page you are trying to reach
- Outlook
- Desire2Learn (D2L)
- Verify the Law School Information calendar is removed from Outlook
Note: If there are any other calendars added you don't need/use remove these as well
- Open Outlook
- Click your calendar icon
- Under, Shared Calendars, right-click and select Delete Calendar
- Open Desire2Learn (D2L)
- Open the Law School Information Course
- Click Calendars
- Click Subscribe
- Click the drop-down and select Law School Information Only
Note: Verify Law School Information only is selected before you download or will have issues
- Click download
- Open the download
Note: Click new calendar in Outlook if prompted