

Fire Safety tips and procedures



What are Fire Safety tips and procedures


Prepare in Advance

  • Know locations of exits.
  • If your work station is located within an office, know exactly how many doors you will pass to reach the nearest exit. In heavy smoke, exit signs may be invisible but you can count the number of doors you pass.
  • Know locations of fire alarms and fire extinguishers.
  • Know where the general assembly area is located outside of the building.
  • Do not leave assembly area or re-enter building until instructed by institutional authorities or emergency personnel.

Fire on Your Floor

  • Activate the fire alarm. Alert others. Move everyone away from the area.
  • Immediately call 9-911 (or 911 from a cell phone) and report location of the fire.
  • Use fire extinguisher on small (wastebasket-size) fires only if it is safe to do so.
  • If you attempt to extinguish the fire, use the PASS method:
    • Pull the Pin
    • Aim at the Base of the Fire
    • Squeeze the Top Handle
    • Sweep from Side to Side.
  • For larger fires, GET OUT. Close the doors to confine the fire as much as possible.
  • If your clothing catches on fire, STOP…DROP…ROLL.
  • Follow directions of institutional authorities and emergency personnel.

When a Fire Alarm is Activated in your Building

  • Proceed to the nearest exit.
  • Feel the door, top and bottom, for heat (use back of hand).
  • If door is hot, do not open. If door is not hot, open slowly.
  • Stand behind the door and to one side; be prepared to close it quickly if fire is present.
  • Use the stairway for exit; do not use the elevator. Close the stairwell door behind you.
  • Stay low when moving through smoke; walk down to the ground floor and exit.
  • Do not return to the area until instructed to do so by emergency personnel.

If Trapped in a Room

  • Place cloth material around/under the door to prevent smoke from entering.
  • Retreat. Close as many doors as possible between you and the fire.
  • Be prepared to signal from window but DO NOT BREAK GLASS unless absolutely necessary.
  • If caught in smoke - drop to your hands and knees and crawl or crouch low with your head 30 to 36 inches above floor, watching the base of the wall as you go.
  • Hold your breath as much as possible; breathe shallowly through your nose using shirt as filter.
  • If forced to advance through flames - hold your breath. Move quickly and cover head and hair.

On-Campus Housing

  • In case of fire, sound the fire alarm. Call 911 (or 911 from a cell phone)
  • Notify a residence hall staff member.
  • Evacuation procedures are posted on the back of residence hall room doors.
  • Familiarize yourself with this information.
  • You must leave the building when the fire alarm sounds. Staff will check rooms for violators.
  • Failure to comply with emergency evacuation procedures will be documented and students will be subject to sanctions.

Please contact University Police if you need further assistance



Article ID: 8774
Fri 10/27/23 11:31 AM
Fri 10/27/23 1:47 PM
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