Starting DDN Class Via PEXIP


Navigate to the DDN Webapp site and connect to the Video Conference



How do I start a DDN class using PEXIP?


  • Patterson 225 or other Smart Classroom with ceiling microphones and cameras




  1. Start the room system via the touch panel
  2. Log in to the Room PC as USD Guest if receiving class, or have instructor log in if teaching class
  3. Navigate to the class URL in Chrome
    Note: If you don't have the URL you can go to the DDN Web Conference site, but you will need to know the Conference ID.  Conference ID's are the 5 digit number on the calendar appointment on the CEDDN calendar.
  4. If you used the URL for the class the Conference ID and Name should be automatically filled out, if not, fill out this information
  5. Select the correct camera from the drop down list
    Note: You may need to try multiple cameras that have the same name, but appear more than once.  Be sure the preview is showing the students if you are receiving the class, or the instructor if it is being taught here
  6. Leave the microphone as the default
  7. Click Test Audio and make sure you hear a tone indicating the speakers are working
  8. Click Start
  9. When the remote sites connect, verify they can see and hear us
  10. If the class is taught at a remote site, pop out the shared content into a second browser window and drag the content to the center projector, with the camera feed from the remote site on the right projector



Article ID: 8149
Thu 2/2/23 3:20 PM
Wed 1/17/24 9:26 AM
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