Postal Services on Campus


Services offered by Postal on campus



What Postal Services are provided on campus?


  • Postal Service


  1. Ship letters
  2. Ship packages
    Note: Packages shipped by departments, use the attached  Postal Campus Ship Form
    1. Please print all information
    2. If you don't have a preferred method for shipping choose Most Economical way
    3. All required information has an *
    4. If there is information that is not completed shipping may be delayed
      Note: FedEx will not ship without a phone number
    5. Postal will fill in the measurements and weight in our office
    6. Library and Medial mail needs to have the package addressed or a label on it by you, all other types of packages we will print the label
    7. You will receive an email with cost and tracking information of the package the day it is sent
  3. Sell stamps by the book
  4. Payments can be cash or check only

Services available for Departments

  1. Charge through university accounts or pay directly with cash or check 
  2. We offer Bulk Mailings to all departments
    Note:  Bulk mailing is a discounted method of mailing that requires the sender to have a minimum of 200 pieces that are all sent to U.S. addresses
  3. UPS Campus Ship Note: Personal UPS shipping is not available
  4. We are a drop off for Fed Ex express, no ground service available

Office Information 

  • Center for Continuing Education
  • Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
    • Packages must be dropped off before 2pm
    • Letters must be dropped off before 4pm
  • 605-658-3591



Article ID: 7151
Thu 4/14/22 8:17 AM
Thu 1/16/25 8:12 AM
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