What Postal Services are provided on campus?
- Ship letters
- Ship packages
Note: Packages shipped by departments, use the attached Postal Campus Ship Form
- Please print all information
- If you don't have a preferred method for shipping choose Most Economical way
- All required information has an *
- If there is information that is not completed shipping may be delayed
Note: FedEx will not ship without a phone number
- Postal will fill in the measurements and weight in our office
- Library and Medial mail needs to have the package addressed or a label on it by you, all other types of packages we will print the label
- You will receive an email with cost and tracking information of the package the day it is sent
- Sell stamps by the book
- Payments can be cash or check only
Services available for Departments
- Charge through university accounts or pay directly with cash or check
- We offer Bulk Mailings to all departments
Note: Bulk mailing is a discounted method of mailing that requires the sender to have a minimum of 200 pieces that are all sent to U.S. addresses
- UPS Campus Ship Note: Personal UPS shipping is not available
- We are a drop off for Fed Ex express, no ground service available
Office Information
- Center for Continuing Education
- Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- Packages must be dropped off before 2pm
- Letters must be dropped off before 4pm
- 605-658-3591