I received an email about Internet Copyright Infringement and Digital Millennium Copyright Infringement Notices
- Copyright Infringement
- Internet Copyright Infringement
- Digital Millennium Copyright Infringement Notices
Email notice is sent to All Students Regarding Internet Copyright Infringement and Digital Millennium Copyright Infringement Notices, Please visit the University¹s Consumer Information web site for details.
- The Higher Education Opportunity Act requires higher education institutions, including USD, to inform students annually about copyright infringement and DMCA notices
- Uploading, downloading, or sharing songs, videos, games and software without permission of the owner is illegal
- Illegal downloading or distribution of copyrighted materials can result in criminal or civil prosecution
- Content owners, such as the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), and Home Box Office (HBO), use technological means to track file sharing of their intellectual property on the Internet
- The University of South Dakota regularly receives infringement notices, As a matter of policy, the University responds by notifying the infringing individual upon their first offense, then by referring the case to the office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (SRR) upon subsequent alleged violations
- Whether or not you have legally downloaded data, you are still responsible for activities of your computer on the USD network
- Educause provides a list of Legal Sources of Online Content as an alternative to unauthorized downloading
For more information, please see the Web site of the U.S. Copyright Office, especially their FAQ's