Web standards for SDSD or SDSBVI websites
- For on campus staff photos
- First Name Last Name, Degree if Faculty, Certification(s) if Faculty*
- Title or Teaching Area if Faculty
- Email address in lowercase
- Direct phone number, if any, using format xxx-xxx-xxxx
- For off campus staff photos
- First Name Last Name, Degree, Certification(s)*
- Title
- Email address in lowercase
- (space)
- Address line 1
- Address line 2
- City, State Zip
- (space)
- Office: xxx-xxx-xxxx
- Cell: xxx-xxx-xxxx
- Fax: xxx-xxx-xxxx
- School: 605-626-2580 or 1-888-275-3814
- Image standard exceptions
- If a title is already listed in a header, no additional title line is needed
- * Certifications: CLVT® and COMS® are registered trademarks and need to include the registered trademark symbol in superscript behind their abbreviations
- Linking verbiage
- Links that go to Word document need to be listed as the link text with the file extension listed within the link
- Links that go to a PDF document need to be listed as the link text with the file extension listed within the link
- Links that go to an Excel document needs to be listed as the link text with the file extension listed within the link
- example: Newsletter Volume 24 (.pdf)
- example: Newsletter Volume 25 (.docx)