Working Tickets


How to work tickets as a university employee with One Stop Access



How do I sign into Coyote One Stop to work tickets?

How do I work Coyote One Stop Questions?

How do I work Human Resources Questions?

Logging into TeamDynamix (Coyote One Stop)


  • TeamDynamix
  • Coyote One Stop
  • Tickets
    • Note: Tickets can be Questions, Changes, Service Requests or Incidents


  1. Log into Coyote One Stop (TeamDynamix Application or TDNext)
  2. Click 
  3. Click your Tickets Icon
    • One Stop Tickets
    • ITS Tickets
    • Human Resources 
    • Unversity Police Department
    • Gallagher International Center
    • Etc.
  4. Select the Appropriate Team Report to see your team's tickets/questions 
    Note:  some teams have desktops set up to see tickets, these can be accessed by clicking Desktop after step 2
  5. Click Run Report
  6. Click ID number to open the ticket
  7. On a second screen open the Coyote One Stop Knowledge Base to search for answers 
    Note: if there are no knowledge articles to address this question and you have searched up to three times using different words(issue, environment, etc.), add an article or if you do not have the rights request that an article be added

Taking responsibility for answering the Ticket

  1. To take responsibility,  click Actions 
  2. Select Take Question. Take Service Request or Take Incident
  3. Click ok

Reassigning Tickets

  1. To assign the ticket to someone else, click Actions 
  2. Select Reassign Question. incident or Service Request 
  3. Under New Responsibility, search for or type in the name of the team or person who is responsible for the ticket
  4. notify the new resource of the assignment
  5. Add comments as needed
  6. Click Save

Adding Updates

  1. Scroll down to ticket Feed
  2. Click Update
  3. Change the status of the ticket
    1. Under New Status, Click 
      1. Select the appropriate status
        such as moving from new to in process to indicate that you are working on the question/ticket (this can also be done without sending a message to anyone, but make sure to add a comment)
  4. Type your update or customer response in the Comments Field
    Note: address the customer or whoever you would like to update, or leave a comment without sending an email after changing the status
    1. If response templates have been setup click Templates 
    2. Click the response you would like to send, it is then added to the comments box
    3. If these are to be internal comments (meaning only for those working on the ticket),  Make comments private 
      Note: Remove this check if comment is for customers
  5. Notify if you click , all people associated with the ticket will be notified, but it is possible to select someone from that list
  6. Notify Other People, other University people or vendor representatives already set up in TeamDynamix can be selected
  7. Other Email Addresses, outside emails can be added, such as vendor representatives not yet set up in TeamDynamix
  8. attachments on the ticket already can be sent to the recipients if you are choosing to notify someone 
    Note: you can only add attachments already saved to the ticket 

Linking a Knowledge Base article

  1. Scroll to Knowledge Base Article field
    1.  Existing article 
    2. Click 
    3. Enter the name or number of the article
      Note: it is easier to search for articles in a separate screen first and then add them
  2. Click Save to send the message by email and/or complete the update

Adding comments

  1. In the feed click comment 
  2. If comments should be internalMake comments private, Remove this check if comment is for customers
    Note: all comments not marked internal can be seen by the university person who opened the ticket if they log into Coyote One Stop
  3. Type name of person the comments should go to (they must be associated with the ticket to use this field)
    Note: if the person is not associated with the ticket, they can be added on people tab (see step 12) or use the updating function
  4. Click Save to send comments by email (or save the comment if you are just adding a comment without notifying anyone)

Adding People to a Ticket 

  1. Within the ticket, click People tab
  2. Start typing the name of the person, email address or Banner ID,  to be added to the ticket or click to search
  3. If they are not in Coyote One Stop/TeamDynamix, you will be able to click Add
  4. Add the new contact
    1. Required fields:
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Primary Email
      • Alert/Notification Email

Closing a Ticket

  1. Use the update function, select the status Closed
    Note: make sure you select the customer to notify them that the question has been answered, if your team has templates set up in Coyote One Stop, you can use the templates in the comments section (the customer's email will be shown in the comments, if it is missing, send again with their email selected so they are notified)