How do I surplus hardware?
What does ITS (Information Technology Services) pick up for surplus
Can I purchase my old surplussed hardware
- Campus
- Computer Equipment
There are a number of reasons why hardware might be deemed antiquated
Note: State law prohibits the individual purchase of University owned hardware. The applicable state law is
5-24A-15. Donations prohibited--Exception. Except as provided in § 5-24A-8, donations of state property to any private individual, for-profit organization, or state employee is prohibited. The sale of state property to any state employee is prohibited unless items are sold at public auctions.
- Capital Assets over $5000
- IT hardware Contact the Service Desk provide:
- Asset number
- Description ex: Desktop, Laptop, large printer
- Location of hardware
- Available times the hardware can be picked up
- ITS will:
- Pick up item and delete contents of hard drive if applicable
- Determine if item is to be redistributed or deemed surplus
- Dispose of item if deemed surplus
- Redistribute if asset meets hardware requirements
- Make appropriate changes in database to reflect disposition of item
Note: ITS will pick up the following for surplus:
- Desktop computers
- Laptop computers
- iPads
- Tablets
- Keyboards
- Mice
- VoiP Phones
- Printers
- Monitors
Note: ITS does not pick up the following:
- Fax Machines
- Non-VoiP phones
- Keyboard Trays
- Typewriters
- Furniture
- DVD Players