How do I add content to a Fourwinds Digital Sign?
- Fourwinds Content Manager Web (CMW)
I need to upload a graphic or video to one or more digital signs.
Note: To request content be placed on all of the signs throughout campus please see: Requesting Graphics on Digital Signage TV's
- Navigate to Content Manager Web (CMW)
Note: You need a user account setup in Content Manager Web. If you do not currently have access see Requesting to Change or Add Users to Fourwinds Display.
- Type your full email address in the User Name field
- Log in using your USD credentials
- In the Content Library pane at the bottom of the screen
- Right-click the content folder for your building
- Select Add New Content
Note: If you are an administrator creating content to be used on multiple digital signs, use the Shared Content folder.
- Select the type of content you are uploading in the Dialog Box that opens
- Give the content a name for reference in the CMW system
Note: If you leave the Name: field blank it will adopt the name of the file you upload
- Click the button next to the Location: field
- Click Choose File
- Navigate to the desired graphic or video to be uploaded
- Click Open
Note: The ideal resolution of a graphic is 1260x915 for all signs except the Academic and Career Planning Center (ACPC) and the Service Desk. The ideal resolution for an ACPC or Service Desk graphic is 1900x890.
- Click Upload
- When it says The file was uploaded successfully click Okay
- Optional: Set the recurrence to schedule when the content starts or stops on the display
- Click the ... next to Suggested Recurrence
- Click the next to Start Date and choose a date if you want your content to start displaying on a certain date
- If you want the content to only appear at a certain time of day
- Uncheck All Day
- Select a Start Time
- Select an End Time
- If you want the content to stop appearing after a certain date
- Select End By
- Choose a date you want the content to stop displaying after
Note: The content will stop playing on the selected day, so you usually want to select the day after your event as an End By date.
- Select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly depending on how often you want the content to appear
- Click OK
- Optional: Select a Duration for how long the content will display before moving to the next piece of scheduled content
Note: Video files will play the entire video regardless of length unless the Use exact duration: box is selected.
- Click OK
- Drag the content item to the Building (2 Col R) or BuildingFull folder in the file tree of the desired sign(s)
Note: You may have to click the button to expand several levels before you see the Building (2 Col R) or BuildingFull folders.
- Optional: Click Preview to see the changes you've made before you deploy them to the sign
- Right-click the Digital Sign in the file tree
Note: The sign level in the file tree can be found immediately under the Location field. (Example: Muenster University Center>MUC Digital Sign - NI8374 MUC)
- Select Save and Deploy