Adding Content to Fourwinds Digital Sign


How to add content to a Fourwinds digital sign



How do I add content to a Fourwinds Digital Sign?


  • Fourwinds Content Manager Web (CMW)


I need to upload a graphic or video to one or more digital signs.


Note: To request content be placed on all of the signs throughout campus please see: Requesting Graphics on Digital Signage TV's

  1. Navigate to Content Manager Web (CMW)
    You need a user account setup in Content Manager Web.  If you do not currently have access see Requesting to Change or Add Users to Fourwinds Display.
  2. Type your full email address in the User Name field
  3. Log in using your USD credentials
  4. In the Content Library pane at the bottom of the screen
    1. Right-click the content folder for your building
    2. Select Add New Content
      Note: If you are an administrator creating content to be used on multiple digital signs, use the Shared Content folder.
    3. Select the type of content you are uploading in the Dialog Box that opens
    4. Give the content a name for reference in the CMW system
      Note: If you leave the Name: field blank it will adopt the name of the file you upload
    5. Click the  button next to the Location: field
    6. Click Choose File
    7. Navigate to the desired graphic or video to be uploaded
    8. Click Open
      Note: The ideal resolution of a graphic is 1260x915 for all signs except the Academic and Career Planning Center (ACPC) and the Service Desk.  The ideal resolution for an ACPC or Service Desk graphic is 1900x890.
    9. Click Upload
    10. When it says The file was uploaded successfully click Okay
  5. OptionalSet the recurrence to schedule when the content starts or stops on the display
    1. Click the ... next to Suggested Recurrence
    2. Click the  next to Start Date and choose a date if you want your content to start displaying on a certain date
    3. If you want the content to only appear at a certain time of day
      1. Uncheck All Day 
      2. Select a Start Time
      3. Select an End Time
    4. If you want the content to stop appearing after a certain date
      1. Select End By 
      2. Choose a date you want the content to stop displaying after
        Note: The content will stop playing on the selected day, so you usually want to select the day after your event as an End By date.
    5. Select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly depending on how often you want the content to appear
    6. Click OK
  6. Optional: Select a Duration for how long the content will display before moving to the next piece of scheduled content
    Note: Video files will play the entire video regardless of length unless the Use exact duration: box is selected.  
  7. Click OK
  8. Drag the content item to the Building (2 Col R) or BuildingFull folder in the file tree of the desired sign(s)
    Note:  You may have to click the button to expand several levels before you see the Building (2 Col R) or BuildingFull folders.
  9. Optional: Click Preview to see the changes you've made before you deploy them to the sign
  10. Right-click the Digital Sign in the file tree
    Note: The sign level in the file tree can be found immediately under the  Location field. (Example: Muenster University Center>MUC Digital Sign - NI8374 MUC)
  11. Select Save and Deploy



Article ID: 2050
Fri 1/18/19 1:51 PM
Fri 2/19/21 12:16 PM
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